Travelling from Elstree & Borehamwood station to East CroydonTimes, alternative routes and ticket prices |
Travelling from Elstree & Borehamwood station to East CroydonTimes, alternative routes and ticket prices |
An average train trip from Elstree & Borehamwood, Hertfordshire to East Croydon takes 65 minutes. Depending on the time of departure and the route, the trip can take anywhere from 63 to 68 minutes, with 1 stop(s) required to change trains. Trains between Elstree & Borehamwood and East Croydon are infrequent.
A typical journey will include approximately 22 stop(s) and you can expect to call at the following stations: Elstree & Borehamwood | Mill Hill Broadway | Hendon | Cricklewood | West Hampstead Thameslink | Kentish Town | London St Pancras | Farringdon LT | City Thameslink | Blackfriars (change here) | London Bridge | New Cross Gate | Sydenham (London) | Norwood Junction | East Croydon (63 min journey) You can expect to travel with Thameslink on this route.
It's also possible to travel to East Croydon from 4 other train station(s) within approximately 15 miles of Elstree & Borehamwood. These include: - Mill Hill Broadway (61 mins to East Croydon, with 1 change) - Radlett (68 mins to East Croydon, with 1 change) - Harrow & Wealdstone (74 mins to East Croydon, with 1 change) - How Wood (Hertfordshire) (122 mins to East Croydon, with 1 change(s))
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