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The best places to live in West Sussex (2 recommended locations and 77 other locations)

Browsing 77 locations with connections to St Johns Wood

West Sussex

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Balcombe is a village in West Sussex around 30 miles from London and 15 miles north of Brighton. Residents also have some great nearby spots to visit at the weekends such as Chichester, Crawley and Haywards Heath.

The commute to London invo[...]. Commute involves a 40 minute train journey from Balcombe station to London Bridge and then a 17 minute tube trip to St Johns Wood.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Happiness High for UK Frequent train route
Slowing property market London Gatwick Airport (6.7 miles)

57 mins
40 mins train + 17 mins tube

£116 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Sussex

Three Bridges
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Reasonable commuting costs and good range of schools[...]. Commute involves a 34 minute train journey from Three Bridges station to London Bridge and then a 17 minute tube trip to St Johns Wood.

Affordability: Average Outstanding schools Very fast broadband Frequent train route
Slowing property market London Gatwick Airport (2.3 miles)

51 mins
34 mins train + 17 mins tube

£99 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Sussex

East Grinstead

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Commute involves a 54 minute train journey from East Grinstead station to London Bridge and then a 17 minute tube trip to St Johns Wood.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Happiness High for UK Frequent train route
Slowing property market Local Waitrose London Gatwick Airport (7.4 miles)

71 mins
54 mins train + 17 mins tube

£117 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Sussex

North Horsham

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Commute involves a 52 minute train journey from Horsham station to London Bridge and then a 17 minute tube trip to St Johns Wood.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Happiness High for UK Frequent train route
Slowing property market London Gatwick Airport (7.3 miles)

69 mins
52 mins train + 17 mins tube

£107 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Sussex


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Commute involves a 46 minute train journey from Haywards Heath station to London Bridge and then a 17 minute tube trip to St Johns Wood.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Outstanding schools Happiness High for UK Frequent train route
Slowing property market London Gatwick Airport (12.6 miles)

63 mins
46 mins train + 17 mins tube

£116 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Sussex


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Commute involves a 46 minute train journey from Haywards Heath station to London Bridge and then a 17 minute tube trip to St Johns Wood.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Happiness High for UK Frequent train route
Slowing property market London Gatwick Airport (11.1 miles)

63 mins
46 mins train + 17 mins tube

£116 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Sussex


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Commute involves a 40 minute train journey from Balcombe station to London Bridge and then a 17 minute tube trip to St Johns Wood.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Happiness High for UK Frequent train route
Slowing property market London Gatwick Airport (7.7 miles)

57 mins
40 mins train + 17 mins tube

£116 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Sussex

Ashurst Wood

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Commute involves a 54 minute train journey from East Grinstead station to London Bridge and then a 17 minute tube trip to St Johns Wood.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Happiness High for UK Frequent train route
Slowing property market London Gatwick Airport (9.2 miles)

71 mins
54 mins train + 17 mins tube

£117 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Sussex


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Commute involves a 40 minute train journey from Balcombe station to London Bridge and then a 17 minute tube trip to St Johns Wood.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Happiness High for UK Frequent train route
Slowing property market London Gatwick Airport (10.5 miles)

57 mins
40 mins train + 17 mins tube

£116 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Sussex


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Commute involves a 51 minute train journey from Dormans station to London Bridge and then a 17 minute tube trip to St Johns Wood.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Happiness High for UK Frequent train route
Slowing property market London Gatwick Airport (7.8 miles)

68 mins
51 mins train + 17 mins tube

£72 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Sussex

Cinder Hill

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Commute involves a 40 minute train journey from Balcombe station to London Bridge and then a 17 minute tube trip to St Johns Wood.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Happiness High for UK Frequent train route
Slowing property market London Gatwick Airport (9.6 miles)

57 mins
40 mins train + 17 mins tube

£116 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Sussex


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Commute involves a 29 minute train journey from Gatwick Airport station to London Bridge and then a 17 minute tube trip to St Johns Wood.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Happiness High for UK Frequent train route
Slowing property market London Gatwick Airport (3.2 miles)

46 mins
29 mins train + 17 mins tube

£86 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Sussex

Crawley Down

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Commute involves a 34 minute train journey from Three Bridges station to London Bridge and then a 17 minute tube trip to St Johns Wood.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Happiness High for UK Frequent train route
Slowing property market London Gatwick Airport (5.1 miles)

51 mins
34 mins train + 17 mins tube

£99 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Sussex


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Commute involves a 50 minute train journey from Wivelsfield station to London Bridge and then a 17 minute tube trip to St Johns Wood.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Happiness High for UK Frequent train route
Slowing property market London Gatwick Airport (11.5 miles)

67 mins
50 mins train + 17 mins tube

£116 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Sussex


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Commute involves a 40 minute train journey from Balcombe station to London Bridge and then a 17 minute tube trip to St Johns Wood.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Happiness High for UK Frequent train route
Slowing property market London Gatwick Airport (9.9 miles)

57 mins
40 mins train + 17 mins tube

£116 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Sussex

East Mascalls

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Commute involves a 46 minute train journey from Haywards Heath station to London Bridge and then a 17 minute tube trip to St Johns Wood.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Happiness High for UK Frequent train route
Slowing property market London Gatwick Airport (11.1 miles)

63 mins
46 mins train + 17 mins tube

£116 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Sussex

Furnace Wood

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Commute involves a 29 minute train journey from Gatwick Airport station to London Bridge and then a 17 minute tube trip to St Johns Wood.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Happiness High for UK Frequent train route
Slowing property market London Gatwick Airport (5.0 miles)

46 mins
29 mins train + 17 mins tube

£86 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Sussex

Goddards' Green

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Commute involves a 46 minute train journey from Haywards Heath station to London Bridge and then a 17 minute tube trip to St Johns Wood.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Happiness High for UK Frequent train route
Slowing property market London Gatwick Airport (13.0 miles)

63 mins
46 mins train + 17 mins tube

£116 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Sussex


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Commute involves a 40 minute train journey from Balcombe station to London Bridge and then a 17 minute tube trip to St Johns Wood.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Happiness High for UK Frequent train route
Slowing property market London Gatwick Airport (7.0 miles)

57 mins
40 mins train + 17 mins tube

£116 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Sussex


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Commute involves a 50 minute train journey from Wivelsfield station to London Bridge and then a 17 minute tube trip to St Johns Wood.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Happiness High for UK Frequent train route
Slowing property market London Gatwick Airport (12.9 miles)

67 mins
50 mins train + 17 mins tube

£116 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com
Timetable/Fares/London Terminals data: RDG