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The best places to live in Cambridgeshire (4 recommended locations and 225 other locations)

Browsing 225 locations with connections to Great Portland Street


Little Green

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Commute involves a 73 minute train journey from Arlesey station to Cannon Street and then a 19 minute tube trip to Great Portland Street.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Frequent train route
Slowing property market

92 mins
73 mins train + 19 mins tube

£130 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Little Green Farm

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Commute involves a 81 minute train journey from Ashwell & Morden station to Cannon Street and then a 19 minute tube trip to Great Portland Street.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Frequent train route
Slowing property market

100 mins
81 mins train + 19 mins tube

£130 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Little Shelford

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Commute involves a 92 minute train journey from Foxton station to Cannon Street and then a 19 minute tube trip to Great Portland Street.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Frequent train route
Slowing property market

111 mins
92 mins train + 19 mins tube

£126 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 92 minute train journey from Foxton station to Cannon Street and then a 19 minute tube trip to Great Portland Street.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Frequent train route
Slowing property market

111 mins
92 mins train + 19 mins tube

£126 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Lower Cambourne

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Commute involves a 91 minute train journey from St Neots station to Cannon Street and then a 19 minute tube trip to Great Portland Street.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Outstanding schools Frequent train route
Slowing property market

110 mins
91 mins train + 19 mins tube

£135 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 92 minute train journey from Foxton station to Cannon Street and then a 19 minute tube trip to Great Portland Street.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Frequent train route
Slowing property market

111 mins
92 mins train + 19 mins tube

£126 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 85 minute train journey from Royston station to Cannon Street and then a 19 minute tube trip to Great Portland Street.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Frequent train route
Slowing property market

104 mins
85 mins train + 19 mins tube

£126 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 85 minute train journey from Royston station to Cannon Street and then a 19 minute tube trip to Great Portland Street.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Frequent train route
Slowing property market

104 mins
85 mins train + 19 mins tube

£126 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Moor End

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Commute involves a 92 minute train journey from Foxton station to Cannon Street and then a 19 minute tube trip to Great Portland Street.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Frequent train route
Slowing property market

111 mins
92 mins train + 19 mins tube

£126 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Morden Green

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Commute involves a 81 minute train journey from Ashwell & Morden station to Cannon Street and then a 19 minute tube trip to Great Portland Street.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Frequent train route
Slowing property market

100 mins
81 mins train + 19 mins tube

£130 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 92 minute train journey from Foxton station to Cannon Street and then a 19 minute tube trip to Great Portland Street.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Frequent train route
Slowing property market

111 mins
92 mins train + 19 mins tube

£126 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



North Brook End

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Commute involves a 81 minute train journey from Ashwell & Morden station to Cannon Street and then a 19 minute tube trip to Great Portland Street.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Frequent train route
Slowing property market

100 mins
81 mins train + 19 mins tube

£130 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




View  |  Compare

Commute involves a 81 minute train journey from Ashwell & Morden station to Cannon Street and then a 19 minute tube trip to Great Portland Street.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime
Slowing property market

100 mins
81 mins train + 19 mins tube

£130 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Old Wimpole

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Commute involves a 85 minute train journey from Royston station to Cannon Street and then a 19 minute tube trip to Great Portland Street.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Frequent train route
Slowing property market

104 mins
85 mins train + 19 mins tube

£126 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 92 minute train journey from Foxton station to Cannon Street and then a 19 minute tube trip to Great Portland Street.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Frequent train route
Slowing property market

111 mins
92 mins train + 19 mins tube

£126 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




View  |  Compare

Commute involves a 92 minute train journey from Foxton station to Cannon Street and then a 19 minute tube trip to Great Portland Street.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime
Slowing property market

111 mins
92 mins train + 19 mins tube

£126 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Papworth Everard

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Commute involves a 91 minute train journey from St Neots station to Cannon Street and then a 19 minute tube trip to Great Portland Street.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Frequent train route
Slowing property market

110 mins
91 mins train + 19 mins tube

£148 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Papworth St Agnes

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Commute involves a 91 minute train journey from St Neots station to Cannon Street and then a 19 minute tube trip to Great Portland Street.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Frequent train route
Slowing property market

110 mins
91 mins train + 19 mins tube

£148 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Potton End

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Commute involves a 91 minute train journey from St Neots station to Cannon Street and then a 19 minute tube trip to Great Portland Street.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Frequent train route
Slowing property market

110 mins
91 mins train + 19 mins tube

£148 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Rowley's Hill

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Commute involves a 92 minute train journey from Foxton station to Cannon Street and then a 19 minute tube trip to Great Portland Street.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Frequent train route
Slowing property market

111 mins
92 mins train + 19 mins tube

£126 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com
Timetable/Fares/London Terminals data: RDG