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Browsing 58 locations with connections to Leicester Square

Isle of Wight


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Commute involves a 99 minute train journey from Fratton station to Waterloo and then a 8 minute tube trip to Leicester Square.

Affordability: Average Low Burglary Rate Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Near the coast

107 mins
99 mins train + 8 mins tube

£138 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


Isle of Wight

Pound Green

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Commute involves a 103 minute train journey from New Milton station to Waterloo and then a 8 minute tube trip to Leicester Square.

Affordability: Average Low Burglary Rate Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Near the coast

111 mins
103 mins train + 8 mins tube

£168 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


Isle of Wight

Preston Farm

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Commute involves a 99 minute train journey from Fratton station to Waterloo and then a 8 minute tube trip to Leicester Square.

Affordability: Average Low Burglary Rate Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Near the coast

107 mins
99 mins train + 8 mins tube

£138 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


Isle of Wight

Puckpool Park

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Commute involves a 99 minute train journey from Fratton station to Waterloo and then a 8 minute tube trip to Leicester Square.

Affordability: Average Low Burglary Rate Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Near the coast

107 mins
99 mins train + 8 mins tube

£138 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


Isle of Wight

Quarr Hill

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Commute involves a 99 minute train journey from Fratton station to Waterloo and then a 8 minute tube trip to Leicester Square.

Affordability: Average Low Burglary Rate Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Near the coast

107 mins
99 mins train + 8 mins tube

£138 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


Isle of Wight

School Green

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Commute involves a 103 minute train journey from New Milton station to Waterloo and then a 8 minute tube trip to Leicester Square.

Affordability: Average Low Burglary Rate Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Near the coast

111 mins
103 mins train + 8 mins tube

£168 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


Isle of Wight


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Commute involves a 99 minute train journey from Fratton station to Waterloo and then a 8 minute tube trip to Leicester Square.

Affordability: Average Low Burglary Rate Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Near the coast

107 mins
99 mins train + 8 mins tube

£138 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


Isle of Wight

Spring Hill

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Commute involves a 95 minute train journey from Fareham station to Waterloo and then a 8 minute tube trip to Leicester Square.

Affordability: Average Low Burglary Rate Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Near the coast Southampton Airport (13.7 miles)

103 mins
95 mins train + 8 mins tube

£138 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


Isle of Wight

Spring Vale

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Commute involves a 99 minute train journey from Fratton station to Waterloo and then a 8 minute tube trip to Leicester Square.

Affordability: Average Low Burglary Rate Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Near the coast

107 mins
99 mins train + 8 mins tube

£138 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


Isle of Wight

St Helens

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Commute involves a 99 minute train journey from Fratton station to Waterloo and then a 8 minute tube trip to Leicester Square.

Affordability: Average Low Burglary Rate Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Local M&S Near the coast

107 mins
99 mins train + 8 mins tube

£138 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


Isle of Wight

Stroud Coppice

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Commute involves a 103 minute train journey from New Milton station to Waterloo and then a 8 minute tube trip to Leicester Square.

Affordability: Average Low Burglary Rate Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Near the coast

111 mins
103 mins train + 8 mins tube

£168 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


Isle of Wight

Swains House

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Commute involves a 99 minute train journey from Fratton station to Waterloo and then a 8 minute tube trip to Leicester Square.

Affordability: Average Low Burglary Rate Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Near the coast

107 mins
99 mins train + 8 mins tube

£138 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


Isle of Wight


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Commute involves a 99 minute train journey from Fratton station to Waterloo and then a 8 minute tube trip to Leicester Square.

Affordability: Average Low Burglary Rate Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Near the coast

107 mins
99 mins train + 8 mins tube

£138 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


Isle of Wight


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Commute involves a 103 minute train journey from New Milton station to Waterloo and then a 8 minute tube trip to Leicester Square.

Affordability: Average Low Burglary Rate Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Near the coast

111 mins
103 mins train + 8 mins tube

£168 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


Isle of Wight


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Commute involves a 99 minute train journey from Fratton station to Waterloo and then a 8 minute tube trip to Leicester Square.

Affordability: Average Low Burglary Rate Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Near the coast

107 mins
99 mins train + 8 mins tube

£138 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


Isle of Wight


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Commute involves a 107 minute train journey from Portsmouth Harbour station to Waterloo and then a 8 minute tube trip to Leicester Square.

Affordability: Average Low Burglary Rate Outstanding schools Happiness High for UK
Slowing property market Near the coast

115 mins
107 mins train + 8 mins tube


2 yr property trend  


Isle of Wight

Wootton Bridge

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Commute involves a 104 minute train journey from Portsmouth & Southsea station to Waterloo and then a 8 minute tube trip to Leicester Square.

Affordability: Average Low Burglary Rate Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Near the coast

112 mins
104 mins train + 8 mins tube


2 yr property trend  


Isle of Wight


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Commute involves a 121 minute train journey from Lymington Pier station to Waterloo and then a 8 minute tube trip to Leicester Square.

Affordability: Average Low Burglary Rate Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Near the coast

129 mins
121 mins train + 8 mins tube

£168 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com
Timetable/Fares/London Terminals data: RDG