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The best places to live in Surrey (4 recommended locations and 33 other locations)

Browsing 33 locations with connections to Southfields



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Commute involves a 80 minute train journey from Clandon station to Victoria and then a 36 minute tube trip to Southfields.

Affordability: Expensive Outstanding schools Affluent Very fast broadband Frequent train route
Slowing property market

116 mins
80 mins train + 36 mins tube

£86 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 77 minute train journey from Guildford station to Victoria and then a 36 minute tube trip to Southfields.

Affordability: Expensive Affluent Very fast broadband
Slowing property market

113 mins
77 mins train + 36 mins tube

£118 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 80 minute train journey from Clandon station to Victoria and then a 36 minute tube trip to Southfields.

Affordability: Expensive Affluent Very fast broadband Frequent train route
Slowing property market London Heathrow Airport (13.9 miles)

116 mins
80 mins train + 36 mins tube

£86 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 80 minute train journey from Clandon station to Victoria and then a 36 minute tube trip to Southfields.

Affordability: Expensive Affluent Very fast broadband Frequent train route
Slowing property market London Heathrow Airport (12.4 miles)

116 mins
80 mins train + 36 mins tube

£86 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 80 minute train journey from Clandon station to Victoria and then a 36 minute tube trip to Southfields.

Affordability: Expensive Outstanding schools Affluent Very fast broadband Frequent train route
Slowing property market London Heathrow Airport (13.1 miles)

116 mins
80 mins train + 36 mins tube

£86 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 67 minute train journey from Bookham station to Victoria and then a 36 minute tube trip to Southfields.

Affordability: Expensive Affluent Very fast broadband
Slowing property market London Heathrow Airport (10.0 miles)

103 mins
67 mins train + 36 mins tube

£75 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Sutton Green

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Commute involves a 80 minute train journey from Clandon station to Victoria and then a 36 minute tube trip to Southfields.

Affordability: Expensive Affluent Very fast broadband Frequent train route
Slowing property market London Heathrow Airport (13.8 miles)

116 mins
80 mins train + 36 mins tube

£86 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 80 minute train journey from Clandon station to Victoria and then a 36 minute tube trip to Southfields.

Affordability: Expensive Outstanding schools Affluent Very fast broadband Frequent train route
Slowing property market London Heathrow Airport (12.5 miles)

116 mins
80 mins train + 36 mins tube

£86 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 67 minute train journey from Bookham station to Victoria and then a 36 minute tube trip to Southfields.

Affordability: Average Slowing property market Local Waitrose London Heathrow Airport (7.2 miles)

103 mins
67 mins train + 36 mins tube

£78 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 71 minute train journey from Effingham Junction station to Victoria and then a 36 minute tube trip to Southfields.

Affordability: Average Slowing property market London Heathrow Airport (7.9 miles)

107 mins
71 mins train + 36 mins tube

£75 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Sunbury-on-Thames is a town in the southwest of Greater London, sitting on the River Thames, with a population of around 18,000.

The town has a history dating back to the Roman era. Today, Sunbury-on-Thames is a popular residential area for [...]. Commute involves a 64 minute train journey from Worcester Park station to Victoria and then a 36 minute tube trip to Southfields.

Affordability: Expensive Outstanding schools Very fast broadband Frequent train route
Slowing property market London Heathrow Airport (3.9 miles)

100 mins
64 mins train + 36 mins tube

£35 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 80 minute train journey from Clandon station to Victoria and then a 36 minute tube trip to Southfields.

Affordability: Expensive Affluent Very fast broadband Frequent train route
Slowing property market London Heathrow Airport (12.9 miles)

116 mins
80 mins train + 36 mins tube

£86 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 80 minute train journey from Clandon station to Victoria and then a 36 minute tube trip to Southfields.

Affordability: Expensive Affluent Very fast broadband Frequent train route
Slowing property market London Heathrow Airport (9.8 miles)

116 mins
80 mins train + 36 mins tube

£86 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com
Timetable/Fares/London Terminals data: RDG