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The best places to live in Hampshire (5 recommended locations and 129 other locations)

Hampshire is a county in the South East of England, sitting on the English Channel coast. It's a very affluent county and popular for commuters to London, which is reflected in the property prices and it's very low unemployment rate.

Browsing 129 locations with connections to Embankment


Lower Brook

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Commute involves a 96 minute train journey from Romsey station to Waterloo and then a 1 minute tube trip to Embankment.

Affordability: Average Happiness High for UK Hot property market Southampton Airport (9.6 miles)

97 mins
96 mins train + 1 mins tube

£151 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 96 minute train journey from Romsey station to Waterloo and then a 1 minute tube trip to Embankment.

Affordability: Average Happiness High for UK Hot property market Southampton Airport (10.5 miles)

97 mins
96 mins train + 1 mins tube

£151 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 100 minute train journey from Dean (Wilts) station to Waterloo and then a 1 minute tube trip to Embankment.

Affordability: Average Happiness High for UK Hot property market Southampton Airport (10.5 miles)

101 mins
100 mins train + 1 mins tube

£151 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 96 minute train journey from Romsey station to Waterloo and then a 1 minute tube trip to Embankment.

Affordability: Average Happiness High for UK Hot property market Southampton Airport (9.3 miles)

97 mins
96 mins train + 1 mins tube

£151 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 100 minute train journey from Dean (Wilts) station to Waterloo and then a 1 minute tube trip to Embankment.

Affordability: Average Outstanding schools Happiness High for UK
Hot property market Southampton Airport (11.2 miles)

101 mins
100 mins train + 1 mins tube

£151 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Arnewood Bridge

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Commute involves a 96 minute train journey from Brockenhurst station to Waterloo and then a 1 minute tube trip to Embankment.

Affordability: Expensive Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Near the coast

97 mins
96 mins train + 1 mins tube

£161 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 110 minute train journey from Christchurch station to Waterloo and then a 1 minute tube trip to Embankment.

Affordability: Expensive Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Near the coast

111 mins
110 mins train + 1 mins tube

£173 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 96 minute train journey from Brockenhurst station to Waterloo and then a 1 minute tube trip to Embankment.

Affordability: Expensive Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Near the coast

97 mins
96 mins train + 1 mins tube

£161 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Balmer Lawn

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Commute involves a 96 minute train journey from Brockenhurst station to Waterloo and then a 1 minute tube trip to Embankment.

Affordability: Expensive Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Near the coast Southampton Airport (12.3 miles)

97 mins
96 mins train + 1 mins tube

£161 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Barton Cliff

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Commute involves a 103 minute train journey from New Milton station to Waterloo and then a 1 minute tube trip to Embankment.

Affordability: Expensive Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Near the coast

104 mins
103 mins train + 1 mins tube

£168 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 103 minute train journey from New Milton station to Waterloo and then a 1 minute tube trip to Embankment.

Affordability: Expensive Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Near the coast

104 mins
103 mins train + 1 mins tube

£168 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Barton on Sea

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Commute involves a 103 minute train journey from New Milton station to Waterloo and then a 1 minute tube trip to Embankment.

Affordability: Expensive Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Near the coast
Average broadband

104 mins
103 mins train + 1 mins tube

£168 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 103 minute train journey from New Milton station to Waterloo and then a 1 minute tube trip to Embankment.

Affordability: Expensive Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Near the coast

104 mins
103 mins train + 1 mins tube

£168 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 96 minute train journey from Brockenhurst station to Waterloo and then a 1 minute tube trip to Embankment.

Affordability: Expensive Outstanding schools Happiness High for UK
Slowing property market Near the coast Southampton Airport (14.5 miles)

97 mins
96 mins train + 1 mins tube

£161 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 103 minute train journey from New Milton station to Waterloo and then a 1 minute tube trip to Embankment.

Affordability: Expensive Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Near the coast

104 mins
103 mins train + 1 mins tube

£168 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 103 minute train journey from New Milton station to Waterloo and then a 1 minute tube trip to Embankment.

Affordability: Expensive Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Near the coast

104 mins
103 mins train + 1 mins tube

£168 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 115 minute train journey from Bournemouth station to Waterloo and then a 1 minute tube trip to Embankment.

Affordability: Expensive Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Near the coast

116 mins
115 mins train + 1 mins tube

£178 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Bisterne Close

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Commute involves a 117 minute train journey from Sway station to Waterloo and then a 1 minute tube trip to Embankment.

Affordability: Expensive Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Near the coast

118 mins
117 mins train + 1 mins tube

£161 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 96 minute train journey from Brockenhurst station to Waterloo and then a 1 minute tube trip to Embankment.

Affordability: Expensive Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Near the coast Southampton Airport (14.1 miles)

97 mins
96 mins train + 1 mins tube

£161 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 103 minute train journey from New Milton station to Waterloo and then a 1 minute tube trip to Embankment.

Affordability: Expensive Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Near the coast

104 mins
103 mins train + 1 mins tube

£168 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com
Timetable/Fares/London Terminals data: RDG