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The best places to live in East Sussex (5 recommended locations and 248 other locations)

Browsing 248 locations with connections to Balham

East Sussex


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Commute involves a 46 minute train journey from Haywards Heath station to London Bridge and then a 18 minute tube trip to Balham.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Affluent Frequent train route
Slowing property market London Gatwick Airport (13.5 miles)

64 mins
46 mins train + 18 mins tube

£116 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


East Sussex

Old Heathfield

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Commute involves a 57 minute train journey from Wadhurst station to London Bridge and then a 18 minute tube trip to Balham.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Affluent
Slowing property market

75 mins
57 mins train + 18 mins tube

£132 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


East Sussex


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Commute involves a 86 minute train journey from Uckfield station to London Bridge and then a 18 minute tube trip to Balham.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Affluent Frequent train route
Slowing property market

104 mins
86 mins train + 18 mins tube

£124 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


East Sussex


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Commute involves a 68 minute train journey from Robertsbridge station to London Bridge and then a 18 minute tube trip to Balham.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Affluent
Slowing property market

86 mins
68 mins train + 18 mins tube

£131 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


East Sussex


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Commute involves a 82 minute train journey from Buxted station to London Bridge and then a 18 minute tube trip to Balham.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Affluent Frequent train route
Slowing property market

100 mins
82 mins train + 18 mins tube

£132 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


East Sussex


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Commute involves a 76 minute train journey from Crowborough station to London Bridge and then a 18 minute tube trip to Balham.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Affluent
Slowing property market

94 mins
76 mins train + 18 mins tube

£132 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


East Sussex

Punnett's Town

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Commute involves a 64 minute train journey from Stonegate station to London Bridge and then a 18 minute tube trip to Balham.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Affluent
Slowing property market

82 mins
64 mins train + 18 mins tube

£132 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


East Sussex


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Commute involves a 82 minute train journey from Buxted station to London Bridge and then a 18 minute tube trip to Balham.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Affluent Frequent train route
Slowing property market

100 mins
82 mins train + 18 mins tube

£132 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


East Sussex

Ringles Cross

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Commute involves a 82 minute train journey from Buxted station to London Bridge and then a 18 minute tube trip to Balham.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Affluent
Slowing property market

100 mins
82 mins train + 18 mins tube

£132 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


East Sussex


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Commute involves a 75 minute train journey from Glynde station to London Bridge and then a 18 minute tube trip to Balham.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Affluent
Slowing property market Near the coast

93 mins
75 mins train + 18 mins tube

£125 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


East Sussex

Rose Hill

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Commute involves a 64 minute train journey from Cooksbridge station to London Bridge and then a 18 minute tube trip to Balham.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Affluent
Slowing property market

82 mins
64 mins train + 18 mins tube

£116 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


East Sussex

Roser's Cross

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Commute involves a 82 minute train journey from Buxted station to London Bridge and then a 18 minute tube trip to Balham.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Affluent
Slowing property market

100 mins
82 mins train + 18 mins tube

£132 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


East Sussex

Rushlake Green

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Commute involves a 64 minute train journey from Stonegate station to London Bridge and then a 18 minute tube trip to Balham.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Affluent
Slowing property market

82 mins
64 mins train + 18 mins tube

£131 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


East Sussex


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Commute involves a 82 minute train journey from Buxted station to London Bridge and then a 18 minute tube trip to Balham.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Affluent Frequent train route
Slowing property market

100 mins
82 mins train + 18 mins tube

£132 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


East Sussex

Sharp's Corner

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Commute involves a 64 minute train journey from Stonegate station to London Bridge and then a 18 minute tube trip to Balham.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Affluent
Slowing property market

82 mins
64 mins train + 18 mins tube

£132 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


East Sussex


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Commute involves a 82 minute train journey from Buxted station to London Bridge and then a 18 minute tube trip to Balham.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Affluent Frequent train route
Slowing property market

100 mins
82 mins train + 18 mins tube

£132 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


East Sussex


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Commute involves a 86 minute train journey from Uckfield station to London Bridge and then a 18 minute tube trip to Balham.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Affluent
Slowing property market

104 mins
86 mins train + 18 mins tube

£124 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


East Sussex

Skippers Hill

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Commute involves a 76 minute train journey from Crowborough station to London Bridge and then a 18 minute tube trip to Balham.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Affluent
Slowing property market

94 mins
76 mins train + 18 mins tube

£132 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


East Sussex

Splayne's Green

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Commute involves a 82 minute train journey from Buxted station to London Bridge and then a 18 minute tube trip to Balham.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Affluent Frequent train route
Slowing property market London Gatwick Airport (14.3 miles)

100 mins
82 mins train + 18 mins tube

£132 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


East Sussex

Stone Cross

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Commute involves a 83 minute train journey from Polegate station to London Bridge and then a 18 minute tube trip to Balham.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Low Burglary Rate Affluent
Slowing property market Near the coast

101 mins
83 mins train + 18 mins tube

£132 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com
Timetable/Fares/London Terminals data: RDG