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Browsing 218 locations with connections to Tottenham Hale

West Northamptonshire


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Commute involves a 54 minute train journey from Northampton station to Euston and then a 12 minute tube trip to Tottenham Hale.

Affordability: Expensive Happiness Very High for UK Slowing property market

66 mins
54 mins train + 12 mins tube

£144 weekly fare  



West Northamptonshire

Hunsbury Hill Spinney

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Commute involves a 54 minute train journey from Northampton station to Euston and then a 12 minute tube trip to Tottenham Hale.

Affordability: Very affordable Slowing property market

66 mins
54 mins train + 12 mins tube

£144 weekly fare  



West Northamptonshire

Hunsbury Meadows

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Commute involves a 54 minute train journey from Northampton station to Euston and then a 12 minute tube trip to Tottenham Hale.

Affordability: Very affordable Slowing property market

66 mins
54 mins train + 12 mins tube

£144 weekly fare  



West Northamptonshire


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Commute involves a 53 minute train journey from Rugby station to Euston and then a 12 minute tube trip to Tottenham Hale.

Affordability: Average Frequent train route
Slowing property market

65 mins
53 mins train + 12 mins tube

£215 weekly fare  



West Northamptonshire


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Commute involves a 54 minute train journey from Northampton station to Euston and then a 12 minute tube trip to Tottenham Hale.

Affordability: Very affordable Outstanding schools Very fast broadband
Slowing property market

66 mins
54 mins train + 12 mins tube

£144 weekly fare  



West Northamptonshire

Kingsley Park

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Commute involves a 54 minute train journey from Northampton station to Euston and then a 12 minute tube trip to Tottenham Hale.

Affordability: Very affordable Outstanding schools Very fast broadband
Slowing property market

66 mins
54 mins train + 12 mins tube

£144 weekly fare  



West Northamptonshire


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Commute involves a 54 minute train journey from Northampton station to Euston and then a 12 minute tube trip to Tottenham Hale.

Affordability: Very affordable Outstanding schools Very fast broadband
Slowing property market Local Waitrose

66 mins
54 mins train + 12 mins tube

£144 weekly fare  



West Northamptonshire

Kingsthorpe Hollow

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Commute involves a 54 minute train journey from Northampton station to Euston and then a 12 minute tube trip to Tottenham Hale.

Affordability: Very affordable Outstanding schools Very fast broadband
Slowing property market

66 mins
54 mins train + 12 mins tube

£144 weekly fare  



West Northamptonshire


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Commute involves a 54 minute train journey from Northampton station to Euston and then a 12 minute tube trip to Tottenham Hale.

Affordability: Expensive Happiness Very High for UK Slowing property market

66 mins
54 mins train + 12 mins tube

£144 weekly fare  



West Northamptonshire


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Commute involves a 53 minute train journey from Rugby station to Euston and then a 12 minute tube trip to Tottenham Hale.

Affordability: Average Frequent train route
Slowing property market

65 mins
53 mins train + 12 mins tube

£215 weekly fare  



West Northamptonshire


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Commute involves a 54 minute train journey from Northampton station to Euston and then a 12 minute tube trip to Tottenham Hale.

Affordability: Expensive Happiness Very High for UK Slowing property market

66 mins
54 mins train + 12 mins tube

£144 weekly fare  



West Northamptonshire

Little Billing

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Commute involves a 54 minute train journey from Northampton station to Euston and then a 12 minute tube trip to Tottenham Hale.

Affordability: Very affordable Outstanding schools Very fast broadband
Slowing property market

66 mins
54 mins train + 12 mins tube

£144 weekly fare  



West Northamptonshire

Little Braunston

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Commute involves a 53 minute train journey from Rugby station to Euston and then a 12 minute tube trip to Tottenham Hale.

Affordability: Average Frequent train route
Slowing property market

65 mins
53 mins train + 12 mins tube

£215 weekly fare  



West Northamptonshire

Little Brington

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Commute involves a 78 minute train journey from Long Buckby station to Euston and then a 12 minute tube trip to Tottenham Hale.

Affordability: Average Slowing property market

90 mins
78 mins train + 12 mins tube

£144 weekly fare  



West Northamptonshire

Little Creaton

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Commute involves a 54 minute train journey from Northampton station to Euston and then a 12 minute tube trip to Tottenham Hale.

Affordability: Average Slowing property market

66 mins
54 mins train + 12 mins tube

£144 weekly fare  



West Northamptonshire

Little End

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Commute involves a 54 minute train journey from Northampton station to Euston and then a 12 minute tube trip to Tottenham Hale.

Affordability: Expensive Happiness Very High for UK Slowing property market

66 mins
54 mins train + 12 mins tube

£144 weekly fare  



West Northamptonshire

Little Everdon

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Commute involves a 78 minute train journey from Long Buckby station to Euston and then a 12 minute tube trip to Tottenham Hale.

Affordability: Average Slowing property market

90 mins
78 mins train + 12 mins tube

£144 weekly fare  



West Northamptonshire

Little Houghton

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Commute involves a 54 minute train journey from Northampton station to Euston and then a 12 minute tube trip to Tottenham Hale.

Affordability: Expensive Happiness Very High for UK Slowing property market

66 mins
54 mins train + 12 mins tube

£144 weekly fare  



West Northamptonshire


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Commute involves a 54 minute train journey from Northampton station to Euston and then a 12 minute tube trip to Tottenham Hale.

Affordability: Expensive Happiness Very High for UK Slowing property market

66 mins
54 mins train + 12 mins tube

£144 weekly fare  



West Northamptonshire

Lodge Farm

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Commute involves a 54 minute train journey from Northampton station to Euston and then a 12 minute tube trip to Tottenham Hale.

Affordability: Very affordable Outstanding schools Very fast broadband
Slowing property market

66 mins
54 mins train + 12 mins tube

£144 weekly fare  



Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com
Timetable/Fares/London Terminals data: RDG