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The best places to live in Hampshire (17 recommended locations and 565 other locations)

Hampshire is a county in the South East of England, sitting on the English Channel coast. It's a very affluent county and popular for commuters to London, which is reflected in the property prices and it's very low unemployment rate.

Browsing 565 locations with connections to Borough



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Commute involves a 66 minute train journey from Shawford station to Waterloo and then a 17 minute tube trip to Borough.

Affordability: Expensive Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Southampton Airport (5.3 miles)

83 mins
66 mins train + 17 mins tube

£136 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 69 minute train journey from Eastleigh station to Waterloo and then a 17 minute tube trip to Borough.

Affordability: Expensive Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Southampton Airport (6.8 miles)

86 mins
69 mins train + 17 mins tube

£138 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 62 minute train journey from Winchester station to Waterloo and then a 17 minute tube trip to Borough.

Affordability: Expensive Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Southampton Airport (9.9 miles)

79 mins
62 mins train + 17 mins tube

£136 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 66 minute train journey from Shawford station to Waterloo and then a 17 minute tube trip to Borough.

Affordability: Expensive Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Southampton Airport (4.6 miles)

83 mins
66 mins train + 17 mins tube

£136 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Sleepers Hill

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Commute involves a 62 minute train journey from Winchester station to Waterloo and then a 17 minute tube trip to Borough.

Affordability: Expensive Outstanding schools Happiness High for UK
Slowing property market Southampton Airport (7.5 miles)

79 mins
62 mins train + 17 mins tube

£136 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



South Wonston

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Commute involves a 62 minute train journey from Winchester station to Waterloo and then a 17 minute tube trip to Borough.

Affordability: Expensive Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Southampton Airport (11.8 miles)

79 mins
62 mins train + 17 mins tube

£136 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 62 minute train journey from Winchester station to Waterloo and then a 17 minute tube trip to Borough.

Affordability: Expensive Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Southampton Airport (10.5 miles)

79 mins
62 mins train + 17 mins tube

£136 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 62 minute train journey from Winchester station to Waterloo and then a 17 minute tube trip to Borough.

Affordability: Expensive Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Southampton Airport (6.3 miles)

79 mins
62 mins train + 17 mins tube

£136 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 62 minute train journey from Winchester station to Waterloo and then a 17 minute tube trip to Borough.

Affordability: Expensive Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Southampton Airport (7.0 miles)

79 mins
62 mins train + 17 mins tube

£136 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



St Barnabas

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Commute involves a 62 minute train journey from Winchester station to Waterloo and then a 17 minute tube trip to Borough.

Affordability: Expensive Outstanding schools Happiness High for UK
Slowing property market Southampton Airport (8.4 miles)

79 mins
62 mins train + 17 mins tube

£136 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



St Bartholomew

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Commute involves a 62 minute train journey from Winchester station to Waterloo and then a 17 minute tube trip to Borough.

Affordability: Expensive Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Southampton Airport (8.5 miles)

79 mins
62 mins train + 17 mins tube

£136 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



St Giles's Hill

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Commute involves a 62 minute train journey from Winchester station to Waterloo and then a 17 minute tube trip to Borough.

Affordability: Expensive Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Southampton Airport (7.9 miles)

79 mins
62 mins train + 17 mins tube

£136 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



St Luke

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Commute involves a 62 minute train journey from Winchester station to Waterloo and then a 17 minute tube trip to Borough.

Affordability: Expensive Outstanding schools Happiness High for UK
Slowing property market Southampton Airport (7.1 miles)

79 mins
62 mins train + 17 mins tube

£136 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



St Michael

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Commute involves a 62 minute train journey from Winchester station to Waterloo and then a 17 minute tube trip to Borough.

Affordability: Expensive Outstanding schools Happiness High for UK
Slowing property market Southampton Airport (6.9 miles)

79 mins
62 mins train + 17 mins tube

£136 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Stoke Charity

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Commute involves a 66 minute train journey from Micheldever station to Waterloo and then a 17 minute tube trip to Borough.

Affordability: Expensive Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Southampton Airport (13.9 miles)

83 mins
66 mins train + 17 mins tube

£123 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



St Paul

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Commute involves a 62 minute train journey from Winchester station to Waterloo and then a 17 minute tube trip to Borough.

Affordability: Expensive Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Southampton Airport (7.9 miles)

79 mins
62 mins train + 17 mins tube

£136 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Sutton Scotney

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Commute involves a 66 minute train journey from Micheldever station to Waterloo and then a 17 minute tube trip to Borough.

Affordability: Expensive Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Southampton Airport (14.1 miles)

83 mins
66 mins train + 17 mins tube

£123 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 69 minute train journey from Eastleigh station to Waterloo and then a 17 minute tube trip to Borough.

Affordability: Expensive Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Southampton Airport (7.8 miles)

86 mins
69 mins train + 17 mins tube

£138 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Teg Down

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Commute involves a 62 minute train journey from Winchester station to Waterloo and then a 17 minute tube trip to Borough.

Affordability: Expensive Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Southampton Airport (7.8 miles)

79 mins
62 mins train + 17 mins tube

£136 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 62 minute train journey from Winchester station to Waterloo and then a 17 minute tube trip to Borough.

Affordability: Expensive Happiness High for UK Slowing property market Southampton Airport (10.8 miles)

79 mins
62 mins train + 17 mins tube

£136 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com
Timetable/Fares/London Terminals data: RDG