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The best places to live in Berkshire (5 recommended locations and 153 other locations)

Browsing 153 locations with connections to Southwark


Wheeler's Green

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Commute involves a 76 minute train journey from Winnersh station to Waterloo and then a 2 minute tube trip to Southwark.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Happiness High for UK Very fast broadband Frequent train route
Slowing property market

78 mins
76 mins train + 2 mins tube

£96 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Whistley Green

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Commute involves a 76 minute train journey from Winnersh station to Waterloo and then a 2 minute tube trip to Southwark.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Happiness High for UK Frequent train route
Slowing property market

78 mins
76 mins train + 2 mins tube

£96 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 76 minute train journey from Winnersh station to Waterloo and then a 2 minute tube trip to Southwark.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Outstanding schools Happiness High for UK Very fast broadband Frequent train route
Slowing property market

78 mins
76 mins train + 2 mins tube

£96 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Woodley Green

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Commute involves a 76 minute train journey from Winnersh station to Waterloo and then a 2 minute tube trip to Southwark.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Happiness High for UK Frequent train route
Slowing property market

78 mins
76 mins train + 2 mins tube

£96 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Woose Hill

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Commute involves a 72 minute train journey from Wokingham station to Waterloo and then a 2 minute tube trip to Southwark.

Affordability: Expensive Low Crime Happiness High for UK Very fast broadband Frequent train route
Slowing property market

74 mins
72 mins train + 2 mins tube

£118 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Amen Corner

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Commute involves a 62 minute train journey from Martins Heron station to Waterloo and then a 2 minute tube trip to Southwark.

Affordability: Average Frequent train route
Slowing property market London Heathrow Airport (14.8 miles)

64 mins
62 mins train + 2 mins tube

£118 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 62 minute train journey from Martins Heron station to Waterloo and then a 2 minute tube trip to Southwark.

Affordability: Average Frequent train route
Slowing property market London Heathrow Airport (14.7 miles)

64 mins
62 mins train + 2 mins tube

£118 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 62 minute train journey from Martins Heron station to Waterloo and then a 2 minute tube trip to Southwark.

Affordability: Average Very fast broadband Frequent train route
Slowing property market London Heathrow Airport (13.7 miles)

64 mins
62 mins train + 2 mins tube

£118 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 99 minute train journey from Goring & Streatley station to Waterloo and then a 2 minute tube trip to Southwark.

Affordability: Average Happiness High for UK Frequent train route
Hot property market

101 mins
99 mins train + 2 mins tube

£118 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Beech Hill

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Commute involves a 74 minute train journey from Mortimer station to Waterloo and then a 2 minute tube trip to Southwark.

Affordability: Average Happiness High for UK Very fast broadband Frequent train route
Hot property market

76 mins
74 mins train + 2 mins tube

£118 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 74 minute train journey from Mortimer station to Waterloo and then a 2 minute tube trip to Southwark.

Affordability: Average Happiness High for UK Very fast broadband
Hot property market

76 mins
74 mins train + 2 mins tube

£118 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Beenham Stocks

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Commute involves a 74 minute train journey from Mortimer station to Waterloo and then a 2 minute tube trip to Southwark.

Affordability: Average Happiness High for UK Very fast broadband
Hot property market

76 mins
74 mins train + 2 mins tube

£118 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Birch Copse

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Commute involves a 85 minute train journey from Reading West station to Waterloo and then a 2 minute tube trip to Southwark.

Affordability: Average Happiness High for UK Very fast broadband Frequent train route
Hot property market

87 mins
85 mins train + 2 mins tube


2 yr property trend  



Blossoms End Copse

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Commute involves a 85 minute train journey from Reading West station to Waterloo and then a 2 minute tube trip to Southwark.

Affordability: Average Happiness High for UK Very fast broadband
Hot property market

87 mins
85 mins train + 2 mins tube

£118 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




View  |  Compare

Commute involves a 74 minute train journey from Mortimer station to Waterloo and then a 2 minute tube trip to Southwark.

Affordability: Average Happiness High for UK Hot property market

76 mins
74 mins train + 2 mins tube

£118 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 74 minute train journey from Mortimer station to Waterloo and then a 2 minute tube trip to Southwark.

Affordability: Average Happiness High for UK Hot property market

76 mins
74 mins train + 2 mins tube

£118 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 99 minute train journey from Goring & Streatley station to Waterloo and then a 2 minute tube trip to Southwark.

Affordability: Average Happiness High for UK Frequent train route
Hot property market

101 mins
99 mins train + 2 mins tube

£118 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




View  |  Compare

Commute involves a 74 minute train journey from Mortimer station to Waterloo and then a 2 minute tube trip to Southwark.

Affordability: Average Happiness High for UK Very fast broadband Frequent train route
Hot property market

76 mins
74 mins train + 2 mins tube


2 yr property trend  



Burghfield Hill

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Commute involves a 74 minute train journey from Mortimer station to Waterloo and then a 2 minute tube trip to Southwark.

Affordability: Average Happiness High for UK Very fast broadband Frequent train route
Hot property market

76 mins
74 mins train + 2 mins tube

£118 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 85 minute train journey from Reading West station to Waterloo and then a 2 minute tube trip to Southwark.

Affordability: Average Happiness High for UK Very fast broadband Frequent train route
Hot property market

87 mins
85 mins train + 2 mins tube


2 yr property trend  


Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com
Timetable/Fares/London Terminals data: RDG