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Browsing 339 locations with connections to Warren Street

West Midlands


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Commute involves a 78 minute train journey from Stechford station to Euston and then a 3 minute tube trip to Warren Street.

Affordability: Very affordable Very fast broadband
Slowing property market Birmingham Airport (5.2 miles)
High Crime Rate

81 mins
78 mins train + 3 mins tube

£258 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Midlands


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Commute involves a 88 minute train journey from Birmingham New Street station to Euston and then a 3 minute tube trip to Warren Street.

Affordability: Very affordable Outstanding schools Very fast broadband
Slowing property market Birmingham Airport (9.2 miles)
High Crime Rate

91 mins
88 mins train + 3 mins tube

£258 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Midlands

Bacon's End

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Commute involves a 75 minute train journey from Birmingham International station to Euston and then a 3 minute tube trip to Warren Street.

Affordability: Average Outstanding schools Very fast broadband
Slowing property market Birmingham Airport (2.7 miles)

78 mins
75 mins train + 3 mins tube

£295 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Midlands


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Commute involves a 68 minute train journey from Berkswell station to Euston and then a 3 minute tube trip to Warren Street.

Affordability: Average Very fast broadband
Slowing property market Birmingham Airport (5.9 miles)

71 mins
68 mins train + 3 mins tube

£258 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Midlands


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Commute involves a 68 minute train journey from Berkswell station to Euston and then a 3 minute tube trip to Warren Street.

Affordability: Average Very fast broadband
Slowing property market Birmingham Airport (3.6 miles)

71 mins
68 mins train + 3 mins tube

£258 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Midlands

Bedlams End

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Commute involves a 68 minute train journey from Berkswell station to Euston and then a 3 minute tube trip to Warren Street.

Affordability: Average Very fast broadband
Slowing property market Birmingham Airport (7.2 miles)

71 mins
68 mins train + 3 mins tube

£258 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Midlands


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Commute involves a 68 minute train journey from Berkswell station to Euston and then a 3 minute tube trip to Warren Street.

Affordability: Average Very fast broadband
Slowing property market Birmingham Airport (6.8 miles)

71 mins
68 mins train + 3 mins tube

£258 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Midlands

Benton Green

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Commute involves a 68 minute train journey from Berkswell station to Euston and then a 3 minute tube trip to Warren Street.

Affordability: Average Very fast broadband
Slowing property market Birmingham Airport (5.9 miles)

71 mins
68 mins train + 3 mins tube

£258 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Midlands


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Commute involves a 68 minute train journey from Berkswell station to Euston and then a 3 minute tube trip to Warren Street.

Affordability: Average Very fast broadband
Slowing property market Birmingham Airport (1.7 miles)

71 mins
68 mins train + 3 mins tube

£258 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Midlands


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Commute involves a 68 minute train journey from Berkswell station to Euston and then a 3 minute tube trip to Warren Street.

Affordability: Average Very fast broadband Frequent train route
Slowing property market Birmingham Airport (4.0 miles)

71 mins
68 mins train + 3 mins tube

£258 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Midlands


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Commute involves a 68 minute train journey from Berkswell station to Euston and then a 3 minute tube trip to Warren Street.

Affordability: Average Very fast broadband Frequent train route
Slowing property market Birmingham Airport (6.0 miles)

71 mins
68 mins train + 3 mins tube

£258 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Midlands

Box Trees

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Commute involves a 68 minute train journey from Berkswell station to Euston and then a 3 minute tube trip to Warren Street.

Affordability: Average Very fast broadband Frequent train route
Slowing property market Birmingham Airport (6.1 miles)

71 mins
68 mins train + 3 mins tube

£258 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Midlands

Bradnock's Marsh

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Commute involves a 68 minute train journey from Berkswell station to Euston and then a 3 minute tube trip to Warren Street.

Affordability: Average Very fast broadband
Slowing property market Birmingham Airport (4.0 miles)

71 mins
68 mins train + 3 mins tube

£258 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Midlands

Burton Green

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Commute involves a 68 minute train journey from Berkswell station to Euston and then a 3 minute tube trip to Warren Street.

Affordability: Average Very fast broadband
Slowing property market Birmingham Airport (7.7 miles)

71 mins
68 mins train + 3 mins tube

£258 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Midlands

Carol Green

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Commute involves a 68 minute train journey from Berkswell station to Euston and then a 3 minute tube trip to Warren Street.

Affordability: Average Very fast broadband
Slowing property market Birmingham Airport (6.4 miles)

71 mins
68 mins train + 3 mins tube

£258 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Midlands

Castle Bromwich

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Commute involves a 78 minute train journey from Stechford station to Euston and then a 3 minute tube trip to Warren Street.

Affordability: Average Very fast broadband
Slowing property market Birmingham Airport (4.0 miles)

81 mins
78 mins train + 3 mins tube

£258 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Midlands

Catchem's Corner

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Commute involves a 68 minute train journey from Berkswell station to Euston and then a 3 minute tube trip to Warren Street.

Affordability: Average Very fast broadband
Slowing property market Birmingham Airport (6.3 miles)

71 mins
68 mins train + 3 mins tube

£258 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Midlands

Chadwick End

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Commute involves a 68 minute train journey from Berkswell station to Euston and then a 3 minute tube trip to Warren Street.

Affordability: Average Very fast broadband
Slowing property market Birmingham Airport (6.9 miles)

71 mins
68 mins train + 3 mins tube

£258 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Midlands

Chadwick End

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Commute involves a 68 minute train journey from Berkswell station to Euston and then a 3 minute tube trip to Warren Street.

Affordability: Average Very fast broadband
Slowing property market Birmingham Airport (5.5 miles)

71 mins
68 mins train + 3 mins tube

£258 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


West Midlands

Chelmsley Wood

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Commute involves a 75 minute train journey from Birmingham International station to Euston and then a 3 minute tube trip to Warren Street.

Affordability: Average Very fast broadband
Slowing property market Birmingham Airport (2.0 miles)

78 mins
75 mins train + 3 mins tube

£295 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com
Timetable/Fares/London Terminals data: RDG