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The best places to live in Berkshire (5 recommended locations and 247 other locations)

Browsing 247 locations with connections to Kensal Green



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Commute involves a 44 minute train journey from Newbury station to Paddington and then a 10 minute tube trip to Kensal Green.

Affordability: Average Happiness High for UK Hot property market

54 mins
44 mins train + 10 mins tube

£131 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 44 minute train journey from Newbury station to Paddington and then a 10 minute tube trip to Kensal Green.

Affordability: Average Happiness High for UK Hot property market

54 mins
44 mins train + 10 mins tube

£131 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Enborne Row

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Commute involves a 44 minute train journey from Newbury station to Paddington and then a 10 minute tube trip to Kensal Green.

Affordability: Average Happiness High for UK Hot property market

54 mins
44 mins train + 10 mins tube

£131 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 34 minute train journey from Theale station to Paddington and then a 10 minute tube trip to Kensal Green.

Affordability: Average Happiness High for UK Very fast broadband
Hot property market

44 mins
34 mins train + 10 mins tube

£118 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 44 minute train journey from Newbury station to Paddington and then a 10 minute tube trip to Kensal Green.

Affordability: Average Happiness High for UK Hot property market

54 mins
44 mins train + 10 mins tube

£131 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 36 minute train journey from Didcot Parkway station to Paddington and then a 10 minute tube trip to Kensal Green.

Affordability: Average Happiness High for UK Frequent train route
Hot property market

46 mins
36 mins train + 10 mins tube

£138 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Forbury House

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Commute involves a 65 minute train journey from Kintbury station to Paddington and then a 10 minute tube trip to Kensal Green.

Affordability: Average Happiness High for UK Hot property market

75 mins
65 mins train + 10 mins tube

£138 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Four Points

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Commute involves a 32 minute train journey from Goring & Streatley station to Paddington and then a 10 minute tube trip to Kensal Green.

Affordability: Average Happiness High for UK Frequent train route
Hot property market

42 mins
32 mins train + 10 mins tube

£118 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 44 minute train journey from Newbury station to Paddington and then a 10 minute tube trip to Kensal Green.

Affordability: Average Happiness High for UK Hot property market

54 mins
44 mins train + 10 mins tube

£131 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Furze Hill

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Commute involves a 44 minute train journey from Newbury station to Paddington and then a 10 minute tube trip to Kensal Green.

Affordability: Average Happiness High for UK Hot property market

54 mins
44 mins train + 10 mins tube

£131 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Goddards Green

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Commute involves a 34 minute train journey from Theale station to Paddington and then a 10 minute tube trip to Kensal Green.

Affordability: Average Happiness High for UK Very fast broadband Frequent train route
Hot property market

44 mins
34 mins train + 10 mins tube

£118 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Grazeley Green

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Commute involves a 34 minute train journey from Theale station to Paddington and then a 10 minute tube trip to Kensal Green.

Affordability: Average Happiness High for UK Very fast broadband Frequent train route
Hot property market

44 mins
34 mins train + 10 mins tube

£118 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Great Shefford

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Commute involves a 65 minute train journey from Kintbury station to Paddington and then a 10 minute tube trip to Kensal Green.

Affordability: Average Happiness High for UK Hot property market

75 mins
65 mins train + 10 mins tube

£138 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




View  |  Compare

Commute involves a 44 minute train journey from Newbury station to Paddington and then a 10 minute tube trip to Kensal Green.

Affordability: Average Happiness High for UK Hot property market

54 mins
44 mins train + 10 mins tube

£131 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Green Hill

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Commute involves a 32 minute train journey from Goring & Streatley station to Paddington and then a 10 minute tube trip to Kensal Green.

Affordability: Average Happiness High for UK Frequent train route
Hot property market

42 mins
32 mins train + 10 mins tube

£118 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 65 minute train journey from Kintbury station to Paddington and then a 10 minute tube trip to Kensal Green.

Affordability: Average Happiness High for UK Hot property market

75 mins
65 mins train + 10 mins tube

£138 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  




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Commute involves a 44 minute train journey from Newbury station to Paddington and then a 10 minute tube trip to Kensal Green.

Affordability: Average Outstanding schools Happiness High for UK
Hot property market

54 mins
44 mins train + 10 mins tube

£131 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Ham Marsh

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Commute involves a 44 minute train journey from Newbury station to Paddington and then a 10 minute tube trip to Kensal Green.

Affordability: Average Happiness High for UK Hot property market

54 mins
44 mins train + 10 mins tube

£131 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Hampstead Marshall

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Commute involves a 44 minute train journey from Newbury station to Paddington and then a 10 minute tube trip to Kensal Green.

Affordability: Average Happiness High for UK Hot property market

54 mins
44 mins train + 10 mins tube

£131 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  



Hampstead Norreys

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Commute involves a 44 minute train journey from Newbury station to Paddington and then a 10 minute tube trip to Kensal Green.

Affordability: Average Happiness High for UK Hot property market

54 mins
44 mins train + 10 mins tube

£131 weekly fare  


2 yr property trend  


Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com
Timetable/Fares/London Terminals data: RDG